So my cast is off! AND my weight bearing status has changed from "non weightbearing" to "it's complicated" Woohoo! party. My leg has been in there for over 2 months and I can barely recognize it as my own leg. It's really strange. I put both my legs next to eachother and it looked like one was mine and one was Josh's.
But whose is whose?
I have a lot of body hangups but I was really proud of my shotputter legs. The only muscle on my body...well now it's just shotputter leg. It's gonna take a lot of stairs to get my leg back to it's muscley baby lifting self.
The massive change (other than the masses of hair) is my ankle. I have some pretty gnarly scars and I seem to no longer have lumps where ankle lumps should be. It looks like I have cankles but I assure you I don't have cankles on my leg without metal. My husband has affectionately named it my mankle. Here I present: The Frankenfoot!
*Gasp* *Swoon* *Vomit*
So I'd been waiting 2 months to see how my leg is looking, I had hyped myself up and it was sort of an anti-climax. Yeah it looks gruesome, like so ugly that if I lived in the 1940's and wasn't already married I'd never find a husband. Don't get me wrong, the scars are great, but I'm a bit disappointed because it's TOTALLY different. My foot is thinner, my ankles don't look like ankles, the skin is flaking to the point of causing pain, and my foot has hair on it! Like a hobbit! I've never had hairy feet and now I have just the one!
Anyway, I'm sure it will be more muscley and less hairy soon. (Josh is hoping it will be less hairy soon) and when that gets back to normal maybe I won't mind the mankle. And I can always use the scars as a cautionary tale; Arrested Development style.
And THAT's why you don't leave toys lying around!
So it' time to say goodbye to my warm wrapped up leg, goodbye to mystery, goodbye to people drawing on my leg...well apart from this one guy at hospital...
My mum thinks it looks like a Penis.
Now it's time to say hello to a slow and painful recovery, especially now the doctors have taken me off the good drugs. The Penises.